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    Good guy man, have you read or listened to Barack Obama's speeches?  They drip with self-righteousness and lecturing individuals and…
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  • She's using RomneyStat: This is not a Nate-Silver-style I-ran-9,000-regressions-and-here's-what-I-got. It's just my gut estimate of the odds. "Gut estimate" based…
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  • Have to agree with this at TalkLeft. ... The problems of racial disparity and arbitrary enforcement of our criminal laws…
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  • Having been a juror on two minor criminal cases, I learned first hand that predicting the outcome is a fool's…
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  • Obama's new eleven-dimensional Constitutional chess move, Insider Threat Program (aka "1984" meets "Brave New World" meets Stasi meets, etc.) should…
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  • If only "moron legislatures" wrote bills, it would make it far easier for the public to see that they are…
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  • Juan Cole busts al Jazeera report that US backed anti-Morsi coup.  However, Cole doesn't put it within the context of…
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  • Lobbyists don't work for us.  Most are corporate employees.  So, yes, it is necessarily a bad thing.  (It's also why…
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  • George McGovern pointed out that a healthcare reform bill could have been one sentence on one page: Medicare for all.…
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  • Serendipity.  The tin-foil hat crowd never allows for that.  Hence, there is a CT crowd that believes Breitbart was offed…
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  • Report from Beirut.  Hezbollah sees Israeli fingerprints and not AQ Sunni; so, perhaps Hariri got this one right.
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  • The GOP is like a zombie.  It keeps coming back regardless of how far gone it seems.  And oddly enough,…
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  • Exclusive: State Department Approves, Then Revokes, Visa for New Syrian Diplomat: The State Department approved a visa for a new…
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  • And to think of all the years and money "they" squandered in search of the perfect mind-control drug for the…
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  • Doubt it's "human nature."  Culture, heavily dictated by religions and the machinations of the haves, that changes exceedingly slow in…
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  • Does sort of beg the question why Ayn Rand gained a college age audience in the 1980s when for two…
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  • Same reason why Jimmy Carter in the US is still a punchline?   Doubt more than a few in this…
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  • Ronald Reagan was POTUS in the 1980s and the functioning left was decimated in those years.  (Did anyone ever ask…
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  • When I was young, there wasn't such a huckster around to so successfully exploit those demographically similar to you.  Also…
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  • --Follow the conversations -- Then you won't so foolishly see analogies that weren't made.  Will also spare you the time…
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