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    ... I'm not surprised at all that the police were involved ... Really dislike thinking about the assassinations of JFK,…
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  • That's the type of story that gets to me.  Roger Ebert and 'Roger and Me'
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  • EPA photos of the Exxon AR oil spill for anyone interested.
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  • he distillation of the two parties in one race.  Not a pretty sight.
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  • Ordinary voters don't look at party platforms -- and few candidates bother with them either. What ordinary voters did notice…
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  • What's Sanford running on?  Hypocrisy and tax cuts for the wealthy (including his ex-wife)?  This will be a live IQ…
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  • It's why Republicans and Democrats still fail to see how Sherrod Brown defeated a not too old, not too crazy,…
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  • Austerity for the people and mega-wealth for the banksters is appealing for Democratic voters?
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  • Per the CDC, there were 38,364 suicides in the US in one year.  Some, probably most, but not all sought…
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  • The trouble with mid-terms is they don't turn out Democratic voters. The problem isn't a calendar.  It may be that…
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  • Are "suicide bombers" all that different from other warriors?  All are committed to whatever cause they espouse.  All use violence…
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  • Thanks for getting it.  
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  • Wonder if this "individual mandate" is Constitutional.  Would be amusing to watch all the  back-flipping-flopping members of the Supreme Court…
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  • The article did state that Obama had endorsed Honda, but this is likely more accurate: Honda released a statement Monday…
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  • "A few members of his campaign staff:" Khanna's campaign team looks like Obama redux General consultant Jeremy Bird -- Obama…
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  • Team Obama's idea of 'mo betta Democrats.  Wonder what Nancy Pelosi has to say about this.
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  • As long as it doesn't look worse, as in massive dust storms, the deniers/skeptics can continue to bray that it's…
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  • Take it one step further: private charity can discriminate between "deserving" and "undeserving" and public safety-net programs can't do that.…
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  • The Pete Peterson wing of Wall St. likes Alan's determination to destroy Social Security, but not sure they like Alan.
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  • Other than Bowles and Obama, does anybody like Alan?
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