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    Robert Parry (who has been on this story for years) beautifully lays it all out in his latest piece.  Nothing…
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  • Your comment is a gem.  Perceptive, meaningful, and well articulated. I had the misfortune of listening to an interview with…
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  • To be clearer, nothing prevented Romney from raising and spending more after securing the nomination except for the individual donor…
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  • Pope Francis loves the poor so much that he wants to see their numbers grow.  No better way to do…
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  • If FDR has set the increased federal funding in his first term to the side and labeled it "stimulus" that…
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  • Wasn't considering the plausibility of nominating Rand as much as I played with the idea.  Ignoring his lack of charisma,…
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  • The difference between FDR and Obama is that the former rejected the policies of Hoover and the latter not so…
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  • He once smoked pot and as POTUS had his justice department bust medical marijuana clubs.  So, starting from a liberal…
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  • So, he was for it before he was against it.  Not unlike many other issues on which the man has…
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  • Rand Paul won the CPAC straw poll. Back in 2009, Romney won it.  So, guess we shouldn't dismiss Rand.  If…
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  • Check out Hunter's picture of Brent Bozell wearing the most bizarrely ill-fitting suit of all time.  There's at least ten…
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  • 1968 was also the year that Tommie Smith and John Carlos were trashed and the heads of anti-war activists in…
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  • Maybe not if LBJ had disclosed to HHH Kissinger's subversive activities for Nixon.
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  • At fifteen or sixteen I read Schafly's "A Choice Not An Echo."  It turned me into a raging liberal and…
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  • Anna Chennault and Henry Kissinger are still alive. It begins in the summer of 1968. Nixon feared a breakthrough at…
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  • It only seems to be getting worse because the ratio of progressives to democratic partisans has gotten lower over the…
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  • Not sure who "we" is or how that "we" knew something that Obama has not only not publicly affirmed but…
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  • Sure -- anyone that can't comprehend the validity of his tweet.   Both were perfectly comfortable claiming opposition to equal…
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  • Factoring in LBJ's ability to schmooze with powerful men, his complex relationship with J. Edgar Hoover, and his previous vow…
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  • Yet another member of "them" that the left never had any illusions about.  Real justice would be served if the…
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