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    Probably plenty.  However, the legislature would be homegrown idiots.
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  • In the teabagger hypocrisy contest, today's winner is Stephen Katz, NY state assemblyman. A combative Republican state assemblyman who voted…
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  • Why raising the minimum wage isn't a campaign theme for every Democrat in every election is even more of a…
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  • This is going to help? As reported at Salon from a NYTimes report   Over the past six years, North…
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  • Sort of what I said way back in 2005 in Air America Considered Big Ed Schultz. This is "the guy"…
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  • Not as poor a compromise as Ratzinger was.  The only other viable choice they had was to elect one that…
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  • Is there a cardinal that hasn't supported a fascist government or two, not been caught up in the sexual abuse…
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  • I'm shocked -- never would have expected that I would agree with two/thirds of Cardinals, almost exclusively conservative to ultraconservative.…
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  • All I recall from that summer 1967 concert was that Morrison was hot.  And I wasn't.
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  • "old school establishment Dems" supported Nixon over McGovern.  That was before they consciously recognized that their raison d'etre as Democrats…
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  • Might not be a good reason for working class white men to vote for Judd, but at least it's a…
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  • Morrison's stage presence early on was huge.
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  • Recordings never captured her stage magic.  Possibly because live it was easier to overlook that the band was merely okay.
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  • Still touching after all these years:
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  • Did you miss the opening of Jeb's campaign?  All of them begin with a ghost written book.   Democrats are…
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  • Robert Fisk translates for us in John Kerry Wants the Gulf to Support the Syrian Rebels. But Which Rebels? The…
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  • Looks as if others are smelling a bit of a fraud with CTCA.  A bit spooky that I made my…
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  • Have to wonder if Menendez got paid for his co-sponsorship, by whom, and what the price was.
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  • We usually do.  It's just conflicting personal pet peeves that on occasion get in the way.
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  • That was the idea -- but like all those liar's loan, they forgot to figure out how to collect it.
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