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    Didn't have the same emotional resonance for Clinton as it did for GWB.  He went with a covert assassination attempt…
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  • Preemptive wars are never inevitable; always a choice.  Like you, I forewarned people in 2000 that GWB had "get Saddam"…
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  • Seems to be a series in honor of the ten year anniversary of the multi-trillion dollar war.  A daily platform…
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  • Yes, that interview was nauseating but the message wasn't different from the one with Stephen Hadley on NPR a couple…
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  • Yes at this point in 2005 Rove was busy running the permanent GOP majority and in 2009 it was "Happy…
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  • Henwood is an excellent leftie business reporter that highlights the work of economists such as Wolff and Yanis Varoufakis.
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  • Beltway CW holds that Paul Krugman is a leftie economist (and not the somewhat conservative Keynesian) and therefore is best…
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  • Back to Plan B for the banksters; the more expensive and complicated schemes that pick the pockets of the people.…
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  • Contrary to my hope that the internet would subvert the lies and propaganda, it has made it easier and cheaper…
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  • Evidence of the paucity of critical thinking skills within the minds of Americans.  Gullible citizens doesn't make for a healthy…
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  • Why should he do that when all his Iraq war buds are out that braying that they were right?  Plus,…
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  • Hell, isn't Hilary going to be the next President? Isn't that why she followed Rob Portman's lead and jumped on…
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  • Colin Powell's presentation at the UN was scary enough to be effective in making one not notice that the trailers…
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  • A review worth reading Nothing Succeeds Like Failure For Iraq War Architects by Jon Perr. ... But for the architects…
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  • If only there were another fifty Senators and a couple hundred Representatives like her in Congress.  In a real democracy…
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  • In Bachmannlandia, welfare = bad.  Except when her family is on the dole.  And facts are irrelevant to propagandists.
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  • Guess there were many of us on that same path.  Unfortunately, the vast majority in this country prefers the super-highway…
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  • So painful to recall that time when those around me thought I was nuts for stating that Saddam had no…
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  • There were two looming black clouds in 2002, the upcoming midterms and Bush's war.  Was desperate for voices that viewed…
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  • No it doesn't.  Could have been a "dry run" that he screwed up by being seen with a gun or…
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