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    What we got were the kids who pursued the fantasy version of the 1950s as if it never should go…
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  • Obama isn't stupid.  Does he have a history of making unfounded allegations against other nations? Yes.  Although he prefers that…
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  • Nike Chairman Phil Knight is #5 on Sam Pizzagati's America's Ten Greediest: The 2014 Edition. Back in the 1990s Nike…
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  • Unarmed: Woman Says She was Mugged for her Air Jordans
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  • By "early," I meant 1947-65.  The period during which televisions went from being an expensive luxury good to being in…
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  • The audience demographics over time would be interesting.  Doubt it skewed >60 years old in the early days.  Would guess…
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  • I did intermittently in the late '90s and early '00s until I could no longer deny that it and the…
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  • An unbroken track record except for his 2008 rejection of McCain/Palin.  My guess is that McCain lost him with his…
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  • I'm planning on taking a few of the kiddos to see Annie, Excellent!  An experience during the holidays is a…
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  • We don't blame Colin Powell for the Iraq invasion, do we? I do in so far as he was the…
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  • Obama ran with it; so, he did get it wrong.  Echoes of Bush/Cheney running with the claim that Saddam was…
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  • In real time, the Watergate investigation did seem to go on and on.  Easy to overlook that except for WaPo,…
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  • That isn't the kind of value that Fortune 500 companies are going to just write off, Muse said. Really?  Those…
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  • Along with all their supporters and enablers.  Tony Blair and all those in Congress that voted for a war that…
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  • Imagine how USians would react to a China or Russian funded coup in Panama that would result in English being…
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  • Which is it: "All fed to the press by defense counsel" or "this is all just plaintiff allegations?"  Can't be…
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  • Considering incarceration rates, the US has no bragging rights to "freedom."  Pathetic in the US, throughout the Caribbean, and Russia.…
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  • The difference between Madoff and AIG is that the former had no real operation.  Nothing but liabilities and no assets.…
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  • 11/9/14 LATimes Maurice Greenberg puts U.S. handling of AIG bailout on trial Maurice R. Greenberg, the ousted chief executive of…
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  • A permanent seat on the Sunday talkies is the consolation prize for the generation that never produced a POTUS.
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