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    You know Republicans shut up about Perot being the spoiler in 1992 when the facts revealed that he took about…
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  • Shrub had a father that had not only been a two-term VP and President, but had also been rejected for…
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  • And Pat Brown was widely regarded as a competent and good governor.  What those pundit missed is that a second-rate…
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  • Sometimes they are.  Generally they aren't.  What they rarely do is split the difference between a liberal judicial position and…
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  • Don't laugh too out loud.  Some can still recall liberals/Democrats in the lead up to the 1968 election saying "Run,…
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  • It's early days still.  But can't recall when the Democratic <60 years old bench was as thin as it is…
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  • What obligation did the US have to help economically the UK and France?  Neither of which stood any chance of…
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  • Absent a third and fourth party challenger (one right and one liberal), Jeb v. Hillary might produce the lowest ever…
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  • The report I read said that he was in Iraq in 2008 for only a couple of months and not…
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  • You sure get a lot of wrong impressions from my comments.  I'm extremely careful to use "USSR" and not Russia…
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  • Do wish these men would skip the rampage part and go directly to the suicide part.
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  • I recall when Hummers first hit the consumer market and I heard the sticker price.  My first thought was how…
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  • Easy to overlook/forget what it cost the USSR to repel and defeat Nazi Germany.  Wonder how many Americans under the…
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  • Technically, the Saudis did nothing.  As of six months ago, the world supply of crude oil exceeded demand, and therefore,…
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  • Cheap oil killed off electrified trams. Cheap oil built our car dependent infrastructure and culture and it's why even after…
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  • SWAT teams with tank-like vehicles have become a common LEO response to domestic disputes with perceived, threatened, or actual violence…
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  • The main downside beyond economic and political turmoil is that cheap oil makes it harder for alternative energies to compete.…
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  • True enough.  But the general public doesn't like government employees except LEOs and soldiers.  They believe that the private sector…
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  • Good rant by Jim.  But essentially isn't different from what others are saying: 1) Veterans deserve the provisions in the…
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  • The OIG review was after the 2013 VA report that included actions taken and to be implemented. The report indicates…
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