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    Happy days are here again: The bill approves $554 billion overall in Pentagon spending--in keeping with the trajectory of a…
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  • That excerpt should read "former US Congressman Rob Simmons (R-CT)."  He lost his 2006 election to a Democrat and later…
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  • This: Nobody is covered in glory here. Including Obama. But you really can't make the kind of clear-cut judgments you…
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  • It should be noted that academic experimental psychologists can no longer run experiments like Zimbardo's simulated prison study or Milgram's…
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  • Conversation with a CIA Interrogator.  The CIA's contribution to winning the US war in Vietnam. "These things" included: rape, gang…
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  • No shortage of "Christian Voices."  They may be divided within US institutions, but the majority sides with TPTB and whatever…
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  • Moral outrage is now limited to certain forms of individual murders/killings.  Such as beheadings.  And perhaps that prohibition is more…
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  • Technically, Bush was only elected once.  However, he was elected after various failures (inept on and before 9/11, a war…
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  • Blunder?  Or a twofer that cost them nothing?  More creds with the anti-immigrant voters and more Obama appointees that they…
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  • In that one article, Hitchens reminds us that he got things wrong as often as the CIA did.  If the…
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  • When Fleming nails it, she really nails it. Renata Tebaldi's recording remains right up there. Hei-Kyung Hong is also lovely:
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  • Almost six years ago -- happy tears: Today -- tears of sorrow.
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  • An operatic version:
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  • Enhanced enema treatment.  Aka, anal rape in some jurisdictions, but NY isn't one of those.
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  • "I'm not a doctor and neither are you," Hayden told CNN's Jake Tapper. Appropriated the GOP "I'm not a scientist,…
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  • Not buying that the CIA hid anything from Bush/Cheney or was not operating under orders.  The OLC torture approval memos…
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  • A shame that Sully and Beinart were gung-ho for invading Iraq and taking out the arch-enemy Saddam.  That they forgot…
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  • Visionless and politically at the end of the parade was my point.  Not a leader forward nor backwards could be…
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  • Sort of a problem that people in that region have been migrating to other lands for over at least 1,000…
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  • From the Shame Project, the architect of "welfare reform," Charles Murray.  (Also known for the racists The Bell Curve that…
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