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    Much ado about nothing. Besides I'm sure that the Pennsylvania, and its 188 delegates, will save the day on April…
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  • oh. my. god. I just went over to read about this and ... what a drama queen he is.  The…
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  • The Obama and Huckabee endorsements in your local paper were interesting.  Kind of heavy on the Second Amendment/gun analysis for…
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  • I thought there was some question about whether this story was true?
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  • Now you've done it ...
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  • Congrats BooMan and supersoling and all the other NY fans (and the people who live with them and are relieved)!
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  • Good breakdown of the issues.   What pushed me over to Obama finally a few weeks ago was a combination…
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  • My sister must have been part of the Reuters/CNN/Zogby poll for Missouri done yesterday because she said the pollster asked…
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  • 3,000 is a decent crowd for Springfield.  It's the third largest city in the state but it's really not that…
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  • Just got back from the Obama rally and it was huge!  Claire McCaskill said there were 20,000 of us, but…
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  • And my sister just called and told me that she got called for a long poll on the Missouri primary…
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  • I just got a three question automated telephone poll for Republicans voting in the Mo. election Tuesday  - paid for…
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  • I've become convinced that Markos himself could write a GBCW and the masses would mock him and tell him not…
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  • They like ratings.  They think they can create big ratings because they had big ratings in the 90's trashing the…
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  • Christmas at the Kennedys should be interesting this year.    Ethel is endorsing Obama.     Barack is so like…
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  • I don't know what effect that will have on the California race locally but I find the national coverage of…
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  • Oprah is doing a GOTV rally in California with Caroline Kennedy tomorrow.  During the SuperBowl I think.  They'll miss a…
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  • I agree and I'm pleased.  He's drawing a distinction between being a Democrat and being a movement conservative Republican (so…
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  • Looking at today's Gallup tracking poll it's possible that Hillary stalled his momentum with the debate performance. The gap between…
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  • I can't figure out where the momentum is right now - meaning today (isn't it crazy that with everything compressed…
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