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    Oliver Clark wants to know what's in the bailout package that will actually help regular people. McCain talks platitudes and…
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  • I was wondering the same thing.
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  • Obama not answering the question on Treasury Secretary and changing the subject.
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  • McCain has a better answer than Obama - to buy up the mortgages.  Much more personal to people.
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  • Good line about getting the money back from the AIG execs and their boondogle. I have no idea how his…
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  • lol. I've always liked Tom.  Back in the day I liked him better than Rather and Jennings. I don't like…
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  • Obama's tie is very Elite.  McCain's looks like something he'd wear to the Rotary Club meeting.
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  • I'm rooting for the audience.  In the hope that if McCain tries to evade a question or change the subject…
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  • Post your question up in the Cafe/Lounge and tomorrow the early morning people will tell you all you need to…
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  • Excellent!  I'm working on my Bruce luvs Mary playist right now.
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  • Link?   Then I can re-do my playlist.   I don't remember having 19 although I had multiple versions of…
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  • it is somewhat weird to think that he exists in the real world.  And you know what?  Those food pictures…
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  • True!  Good point. Bruce is big with songs about Marys - The River, Mary's Place (he did a fantastic rendition…
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  • You mean stuff that we mere mortals would do?
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  • That Atrios fellow, whoever he is, is very photogenic.  I bet he's good at quickies. 🙂 Bruce looked and sounded…
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  • Good lord.  You've got to be kidding me.  What little starbursts?  I saw no little starbursts.   Oh wait.  Maybe…
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  • Yeah, doggone it, ya haf too.  But ya just gotta keep on hopin' and wishin' that one a these days…
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  • three non-political people in my office have sent it to me.  I consider that a good sign.
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  • The entire analysis on Charlie Rose has so far consisted of what Tina Fey will be able to use on…
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  • Someone needs to do a youtube combining her winks with those weird eye twitches John McCain has.
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