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    Damn, you beat me to this post.  I saw this today in the local paper and since I have lived…
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  • This is a time for reflection, not retribution. I respect the strong views and emotions that these issues evoke. We…
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  • Donnah, we have to grab these kind of days when we can get them around here.  They always seem to…
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  • Kinda. 60 and sunny. Low 70's and sunny Friday and Saturday. Back to "normal" on Sunday.  The typical rainy, gray…
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  • The problem with these tea parties is that they are really just expressions of unarticulated rage. Damn, I wish I…
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  • Damn, I'm still picking the straw out of my hair after reading through the straw-man fighting done in the Allen…
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  • From Josh Marshall, apparently FreedomWorks is giving pointers on their website about how to the tea-pers can help the movement…
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  • Teabagging at home.........alone??? Well, let's just say you would need to have reallllllly good flexibility to pull that one off.…
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  • We're getting closer to #59. JUDGES: Franken winner of Senate race
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  • "I would like to thank President Bush for making a reprise visit to the White House.  I believe he has…
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  • Green Tea party here every day.   Wait, ain't that green tea sumthin' them furreners drink in Chi-nee???  Holy crap,…
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  • Well, that Amazon review is really nothing more than a general summation of one the points Neiwert makes.  There is,…
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  • As we approach the big Tea Party day this week, I wonder.....How long until someone is seriously injured or killed…
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  • Moral consistency has never been the hallmark of any major religion in this country.  That is a large part of…
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  • But the bottom line is that this must be brought to and presented on the floor under budget reconciliation rules…
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  • The Republicans no longer need to be consulted on any aspect of the legislation because there is no need for…
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  • Well, let's just say that my cynicism is running in high gear concerning any belief that there is "a group…
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  • Along with all the kerfuffle about AIG, we have this from Paul Krugman today. The Geithner plan has now been…
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  • Back off??? Dream on, BooMan. Ain't gonna happen.  No way.  No how. Would a wise man place his money on…
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  • He did kind of say the third party candidate thing.  But he also basically said "Hey, it's only one seat.…
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