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    WTF.....There's BEER??? Is that why everyone is carrying those little plastic cups?
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  • Wait a minute.....you mean people can read the shit we write here???  Holy crap!! Wow BooMan, guess next time you'd…
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  • "It's very important for our party not to narrow its focus, not to become so inward looking that we drive…
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  • Hmmm....interesting. That's probably because those cows looked like this.... and not this....
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  • So he's now a "war correspondent" for Pajamas TV, rubbing elbows with the likes of Insta-idiot Glenn Reynolds, Michelle Malkin,…
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  • And the next time someone with Middle Eastern ties feels the need to shoot at or blow up something American,…
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  • Wanker Award of the day collectively goes to the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board for its fact challenged and innuendo…
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  • Not sure I agree.  I think the fact that someone like Panetta, who is so far removed from the taint…
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  • Welcome the The Pond.  I think you will find this a very informative and worthwhile place to land on a…
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  • Which, of course, makes it a certainty that it will never get one.
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  • If I ever see anyone in the mainstream corporate media explicitly outline what, from their perspective, constitutes a far left…
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  • I'll keep my popcorn un-popped and in kernel form until I see how the Democrats actually will respond to the…
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  • All I can do is just shake my head when I see something like this. A Muslim family removed from…
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  • The menudo does sound good.  But, alas, I looked in the freezer and, to my surprise, no calf's foot anywhere…
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  • Read more, write more. Eat better. More music.  Much more music.  Both listening and playing. Simplify.  Thanks to Shrub, it…
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  • Magic Negro is an etymological straw man constructed by people of predominantly male Caucasian descent, and who appear to be…
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  • I know it wasn't the question, but certainly the most capable of returning the GOP to power are Nancy Pelosi…
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  • Wow, Steven!! Will there be any good things that happen in 2009?
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  • In this season of  "Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men", your post appropriately frames the blatant and often murderous hypocrisy…
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  • Would you settle for running a renowned major U.S. based newspaper instead? But only if you promise to not make…
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