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    Hmmmm, I hadn't really thought about that.  I wonder what the chances are a little wet spot appeared on his…
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  • The most impressive thing in all of this is that Maliki was able to make a grand attempt at deflecting…
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  • But if I were a right-winger the BIG QUESTION I would be asking all over the teevee about this incident…
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  • Well Don, we all know that they will never take it to heart.  Because in their minds, killing those with…
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  • Selective outrage.  That's nothing new from the wingnut side of the aisle. Anytime that anyone commits an act where innocent…
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  • I agree completely.  After all the of the horrendous damage that has been wrought by the single-minded and concerted effort…
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  • So if, in fact, Bush instructs Bernanke to give the auto companies their bridge loan from the TARP money, do…
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  • Steady as she goes, so far.  But we're not even to mid-day.  Volatility always seems to rear its ugly head…
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  • These goddamn shitheads in Washington are not worth a f@#$ing damn!!  Why in the hell would a damn Democrat NOT…
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  • It just seems that for the last eight years everything that happened always occurred on the periphery of most people's…
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  • Every man should have the Radio Controlled Beverage Cooler For when you've pissed off your wife and she refuses to…
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  • There was never any intention of using the pressing of the reset button on 9-11 to "mend fences and work…
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  • I, too, love Glenn.  But I guess I was taken a little off guard by Greenwald's take on it because…
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  • Some of the local wingnuts here are also aghast, AGHAST I tell you, at the temerity of those worshipful and…
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  • It is going to be very interesting this next four years watching the media try and deal with an intelligent…
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  • Hey, I say if he wants to throw his hat into the ring, then go for it. I don't think…
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  • And why do people ask you to bring the mashed potatoes when everyone knows you can't reheat them and have…
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  • Who prefers orange sweet potatoes and who prefers white sweet potatoes? Most people I talk to don't even know there…
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  • Oh, I think I can say that without a doubt the Japanese QC standards have been light years ahead of…
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  • I think it's time to put this thread to bed and move on to the cranberry one. We would be…
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