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    Rorschach test,indeed. When I have talked to right wingers about this movie, it's like we've seen two totally different films.…
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  • Hitchens, Kitchens, it all a tempest in Bertrand Russell's teapot!
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  • I think staying allows him the luxury of not having to be answerable within the public realm for the absolute…
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  • They are all still frothing at the mouth at my Facebook post, 2 days later. I sent my Aunt a…
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  • I had a go-round with some Trump supporting relatives last night on Facebook.  I posted a link to an article…
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  • Having developed a well honed cynicism watching these "moderate Republicans" over the years, I fully expect that if this comes…
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  • I certainly understand the interest that events such as the wedding will generate. And if I actually sat down and…
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  • Didn't see it. I was out all morning doing a highway litter cleanup with a few other Democrats, part of…
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  • The LEO probably didn't have enough firepower.  Next step, NRA recommends automatic weapons for all school resource officers.  Can never…
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  • From your keyboard to the Flying Spaghetti Monster's In-Box. I hope you are right.
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  • If there was ever a crucible for the creation and sustenance of all the worst elements of Trumpism, it is…
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  • I can only imagine that the legal bar is very high in a case like this, and that there would…
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  • As has been roundly discussed for some time, this is entirely a political exercise. None of this will fall within…
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  • You know, I haven't watched a single second of the broadcast, just have listened to a little of the commentary…
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  • "The Other" is certainly alive and well in the minds of Louisiana lawmakers. And they fear The Other is always…
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  • Both this post and your last one highlight well the serious dangers that are posed to the well being of…
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  • All of this is frighteningly true.  And what is also true is that there is not one Republican who gives…
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  • Hah!  That is fantastic! Great job, man.
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  • I know what you lay out here is but a crumb of the larger picture, but am I off base…
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  • Funny, those very thoughts entered my mind as I was typing that comment, and I felt a full blown diary…
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