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    Wrong Sanders.  Sarah Huckabee.  Not Bernie. Bet it makes more sense to you now. 😉
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  • I have been shying away from documenting the atrocities lately, and trying to maintain some focus on the actual grinding…
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  • I think you are correct. What difference does it make when you put a different cuckoo bird in the cage,…
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  • Those Republicans are the kind of people who say they aren't bigots, but will divide African Americans into the "good…
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  • I think a not insignificant number of them would passively accept, and probably welcome, a world where they were once…
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  • Well, I know a lot of Republicans.  Not many at all would openly "welcome a restoration of Jim Crow".  …
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  • It seems he is the only one on the attack. Do we have no one? A valid question. I wonder…
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  • The honest truth, I fear, is that right now there is probably not a damn thing that "we" can do.…
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  • The only REALLY bad thing would be some major crisis like the Cuban Missile Crisis blowing up on Trump's watch.…
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  • I cringe every time I see that some new poll numbers are going to come out which ask about Presidential…
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  • I will soldier through this.  There is too much at stake. We have to defend Sherrod Brown here in Ohio,…
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  • The fact that I know so many people, many of them family who, no doubt, will be among those applauding…
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  • I guess smartass mimickry is my thing! 🙂
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  • The sportman's club I belong has a lot of really sane gun owners. I used to do some competitive shooting,…
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  • If you're passionately anti-gun, these may sound like half measures, but they would save lives.  Even achieving that will require…
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  • Training desk clerks and hotel staff to profile threats?  Seriously?  Is that something purportedly intelligent people are recommmending as a…
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  • Well, this has to make the NRA gang happy.  Hey, every dark cloud has a silver lining, right? Gun stocks…
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  • My cousin and his wife are in Vegas for a vacation.  They were about two blocks from the shooting. They…
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  • The frightful fact is that once Trump makes the call to launch a nuclear attack, it will be underway within…
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  • I am with you. At the momemt, I am at a loss on how to chart a path forward.  And…
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