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    Oh, I agree 100% that it is not a dumb argument he is making. I'm just not certain he is…
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  • I don't know how to game this out. Will Mnuchin and Short be undercut by the president when he realizes…
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  • I think your anecdotal observations are probably pretty close to the mark. I often have to remind my wife that…
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  • Yesterday, I finally had to just tune out the whole world. Everyone up and down the media and political spectrum…
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  • Martin, I am beginning to get some glimpses of that Republican "agony" of which you have spoken in the last…
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  • At what point does a point-of-no-return kick in and everything that the GOP does redounds with a positive feedback to…
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  • Has anyone considered the possibility that Sessions and Trump are not necessarily in some sort of epic struggle here? Remember,…
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  • When both of those are reversed, either employers will begin dropping health insurance again or there will be sticker shock…
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  • For a very long time now I have been hearing and reading this notion that the Republicans have been in…
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  • I don't believe there is anything standing in Trump's way, as long as the Senate goes into recess. Remember, Mitch…
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  • And Pence breaks the tie.  Portman, Capito and Heller all cave. Imagine that. Most people seem to feel otherwise, but…
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  • If this is all part of an effort to kill the Russia investigation, it won't be smooth. Sessions has many…
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  • It seems like a lot of us are having the same idea as you.  I spent time this weekend researching…
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  • I wondered if this was some sort of satirical piece. It is obvious that this administration is just a shell…
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  • I am struggling to think of most anyone who is in the mainstream pundit circle, especially the TV circle, on…
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  • CC is the perfect example of someone who becomes so engrossed in pondering every miniscule jot and tittle concerning the…
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  • The truth be known, I didn't have any time today for you, either. So there ya' go!
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  • Bon Appetit, House GOP!
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  • I don't think Trump will ever resign.  He will have to be impeached. So on that front, I share your…
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  • Damn, I got so much snark on me now that I'm going to have to go and take a shower.
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