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    Meanwhile, about 125 people protested in support of Officer Wilson.  The crowd looked a lot like the Fox News demographic…
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  • You are certainly correct.  There is absolutely nothing analogous in my getting stopped to what is faced by African Americans.…
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  • This is considered good policing in a lot of this country. See a car with tinted windows? Pull them over;…
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  • And when the realization finally sinks in to people on the ground that this whole thing is going to get…
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  • Yes.  Because his primary mission is to give those anxious white folk reassurance that their fears of the blah people…
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  • Every snippet that comes from the local police is just catnip for the media and the right wing wurlitzer.  And…
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  • I'm unfollowing you on Twitter right now!  This new-found power of yours is scaring the shit out of me.
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  • Well, Boo,  I'll give you an "A" for effort.  This is great advice, even though we all know that Todd…
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  • Yes, but it was another one of those unarmed "angry black men". That makes everyone purse their lips, look at…
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  • Good points.
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  • There has been an "aggressive progressivism" since 1980?  Where have I been?  
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  • So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence. .....Bertrand Russell
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  • Your father was not alone. I was a teenager, and it was probably at least forty years ago when I…
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  • We're pretty much to the point when opinions matter less than action. My sense, at least here in Ohio, is…
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  • This whole homicide finding seems to be causing a bit of ripple in the media.  But it seems to me…
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  • Thanks for nudge, Martin.  Your timing is quite coincidental.  I have been feeling pretty low about politicking around here recently.…
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  • There's no government that organizes this....That's what happens when nobody tells you what to do. You just figure it out.…
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  • I logged in using Facebook and the article became available.
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  • Right now, Kasich is not tremendously popular with the Tea Party here in the state.  But if he is re-elected,…
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  • My main concern, other than the Senate, is how we fare in the states.  Here in Ohio, I fear that…
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