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    I thought about making a game out of how many ridiculous and crazy claims I could  up with that the…
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  • So I'm wondering how they will contort this into an argument that he is only doing this to divert the…
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  • Yes, after hearing all the rantings on this subject, I'm beginning to see the light.  The problem isn't that we…
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  • On the subject of guns, I'm wondering when some intrepid conservative gun nut puts forth the notion that the best…
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  • Heh....Jonah is just adding to the list of things about which he is demonstrably ignorant.
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  • The Age of Enlightenemnt dragged most all of Christianity, kicking and screaming, into some semblance of modernity.  Islam, by and…
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  • Does Ponnuru really not see the differences here between Cantor, McConnell and Graham's electoral circumstances?  I mean, I'm not exactly…
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  • Yes, given that the only subject which seemed to be discussed during this primary campaign was immigration, it is hard…
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  • At this point, I don't know.  My gut leads me to tend to agree with you.  But there are others…
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  • Running on only a single issue, immigration.  Being outspent 40-1.  And the guy wins.  I cannot imagine how far off…
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  • Believe it's Jack Trammel, a professor at Randolph-Macon college.
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  • He's toast.  The race is called.  Tea Party has another head.  The monster continues to eat its own.  When will…
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  • Out of the mouth of Glenn Beck sometime this week "Well, it won't be long now.  Obama will be telling…
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  • At this point, it almost seems as if nothing like that really even matters.  The media has already convicted Bergdahl…
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  • That's funny.  I had a similar situation a few years ago.  My dad had something very xenophobic and bigoted about…
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  • Oh no.....child abuse!!
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  • Yes, I am in that 55-65 age range.  And from what I can tell, there is no shortage of people…
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  • Any expectation that I once had that Kathleen Parker would ever again write anything which would remotely interest me faded…
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  • I've read the Coates article a few of times.  And it seems that each time I come out with another…
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  • I think you are absolutely correct.
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