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    A well regulated Militia is no longer necessary to the security of a free State. We now call those things…
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  • She says the NBC News president left a voicemail for Haslet-Davis apologizing for the confusion. I'm imagining one of those,…
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  • Beyond the White Man's Grievance, there is a genuine element of zero sum calculation that makes changing the structural barriers…
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  • It's kind of interesting, in our own group within the local Democratic Party, there are wide variations in points of…
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  • The more books and articles I have read over the last few years on the subject which Kahan calls Identity…
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  • Who cares enough about Sharpton to try to Eliot Spitzer him? Do they ever have enough scalps from evil, liberal…
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  • The reality is, the GOP rhetoric has no way to counter the fact that my 52 year old brother in…
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  • All I have to say in response to Scheiber is a quote by British poet Edith Sitwell. "I am patient…
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  • While, generally speaking, I probably agree with a lot Maher's broader take on religion, I have grown weary of bombthrowers,…
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  • Just another lurch in the direction of the establishment of our own permanent oligarchy.  If we're not already there.
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  • We reacted exactly as Bin Laden hoped we would.  And sadly, there is still a significant minority among us who…
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  • A report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concludes that the CIA misled the government and the public about aspects of…
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  • Yeah, I know.  There was tons of writing about it.  I was being a facetious smartass.  As usual, the DFH's…
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  • I just had to shake my head last night when Rachel Maddow had "Breaking News" about the leak of the…
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  • We had two people show up at our county Dem headquarters around lunch time looking for help or advice, as…
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  • The gist of it was a 12 member redistricting commission made up of 4 Democrats, 4 Republicans and 4 not…
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  • Here in Ohio in 2012, we had a ballot measure for a constitutional amendment to essentially end the gerrymandering practice…
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  • From looking at the video, I'm going to predict this is the inevitable conclusion we will see on this. I…
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  • As the comment by rfahey below indicates, there is often some small shred of truth, possibility or nuance to stories…
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  • Maybe I am misunderstanding, but does it even matter if "most of the people getting insurance already had coverage"?  …
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