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    Time for me to beg off social media.  I've already seen enough celebration to send my blood pressure through the…
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  • I can only imagine the gleeful wringing of hands by those now waiting for "the riots".   Fox News, no…
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  • I think your point is exactly correct.  The size is simply used to reinforce the symbolic representation of runaway government.…
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  • Yep, and here's the kicker for me, too.  My brother has held a government job for almost 25 years.  He…
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  • Seabe, I didn't say it was rational.  The sense that I get right now is that anything that puts a…
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  • But he, my Tea Party brother stopped over last night and he was happy as hell about the state of…
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  • Siggggghhhh........... Harry Reid.....Proving once again that he is nothing more than the chief eunuch of the Senate.
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  • We are fortunate enough right now to be able to help a number of causes, and people that are near…
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  • Here is a funny irony on this July 4th.  In the 2012 General Election, our county went overwhelmingly for Mitt…
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  • Well, that will really be the singular point that to be hammered from this day forward, until election day, for…
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  • This desperation on the part of Republicans might not translate well at the national level.  But they are steamrolling a…
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  • Let me guess...they're talking about her pink sneakers.
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  • You mean they should practice REAL journalism? Why in the hell should they start now?  I have almost completely given…
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  • Damn, one thing I certainly do not look forward to is all the smug satisfaction that will be on the…
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  • The rest of the reactions are more religious in nature, and while I might think those kind of religious beliefs…
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  • Then what the hell do we pay you for!!!  ðŸ˜‰
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  • Got together last night for dinner with a few fellow Dems and talked about this, among other things. I really…
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  • The GOP is acting like that cop who follows you home at 3:00 A.M., who is just waiting for your…
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  • If she commits one more technical violation of the filibuster rules, then her effort is basically over.  The Republicans are…
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  • I have had that same kind of thought over the last several months, as this ruling has loomed over our…
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