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    There's a similiar article at The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/09/AR2005100901332.html
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  • What happened?  I'm in Central, and I have to confess that I stopped watching it a couple of years ago…
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  • I watched "This Week" today, and was shocked by the fact that George Will was openly angry and seemed to…
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  • Why did you come?      I read a lot of stuff here long before I joined.  Then Armando  offended…
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  • I, for one, have noticed your relative quiet lately, and I hope that you feel comfortable with changing that sometime.
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  • I've been wondering the opposite today -- could the intention be to shore up Bush's (and therefore other Republicans') support…
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  • We can also ignore those comments or diaries that we personally find problems with. Thank you diane101.  I don't watch…
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  • Thank you for sharing these.  They're wonderful! The one taken in British Columbia looks like something out of Middle Earth.
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  • OMG, my heart skipped a beat when I saw that picture.  Don't tease me that way, BooMan!
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  • Also, I saw your comment about forebearance in a previous diary.  You can take more than one forebearance, so if…
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  • Susan, I just mailed a transcript.
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  • Actually, I think they just need to get more.... 🙂
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  •  Ride a bike instead of driving whenever you can.  Get a rack and baskets to carry things like groceries.  If…
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  • Whhhhhhhoooooooooo-hooooooooooo!!!! I may not agree with Hackett on a number of issues, but I have a lot of respect for…
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  • Infitite Jest is my favorite book ever.  What's not to love about a book that includes feral hampsters and the…
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  • Damnit Janet, you rock!
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  • I wish I could give multiple 4's. Salazar and his ilk had nothing to lose by voiting No on Roberts.…
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  • AndiF, you make a great point.  How many people voted for Kerry b/c they thought he'd be a great president,…
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  • Mine too.  I couldn't wait to vote for him.  During his speech at the Dem convention last year, I said…
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  • Have 4 extra points..... I loved banned books week.  It makes me pround of my fellow librarians!
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