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    How does one close an account over there?  I've tried, even sent emails, but have been ignored.  Frankly, I don't…
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  • I'm not sure what happened to Gore in 2000 -- he certainly made some mistakes, but he would have been…
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  • There's something the Democratic Party needs to keep in mind -- women like me.  I will NOT, under any circumstances,…
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  • What a great site!  Thanks very much for the link.
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  • <rant> I realized something a couple of weeks ago:  I want them ALL out.  I want change.  I want people…
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  • I've been awake waaay too long.  I read the title as "Love of Country vs. Love of Monkey".  I thought…
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  • mole333, have you cross-posted this at MyDD?  If not, you should.
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  • Thank you!  I bought 5 last week that I haven't even unbagged!
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  • Mmmm, croissants.  My favorite with coffee.  Thanks! Are pets allowed?  Some of my dogs want to come hang out.
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  • I comb and shave the week's mats out of my long-haired cat.  Tending the resulting bites and scratches takes my…
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  • Good comments.  It's especially good to hear Dean talk about race in light of how much he was criticized about…
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  • I saw this movie over the weekend and really enjoyed it.  Highly recommended, especially for Fiennes' and Weisz's performances, which…
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  • The President and First Lady must walk the few blocks from the White House to SE Washington, DC at least…
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  • I understand.  I know it might not do any good, but things ARE changing.  It's just taking a long time.…
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  • The Humane Society IS in NO, and has started rescuing animals: Sunday, September 4, 2005; 9:48 p.m. In their first…
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  • Thanks so much! PS.  Like your username.  I'm a librarian by education, though I don't work in one.
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  • I'm sorry to be out of the loop, but what is happening Sept. 24?  I know there's something in DC.…
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  • Rehnquist is at the top, but the hurricane coverage on the front page is labeled with: "Thousands Await Help, While…
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  • You need to be concerned about something more.  Bush has to appoint a new Chief Justice. Chief Justic Scalia has…
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  • When the Mississippi River flooded in 1993, I visited friends in Washington, DC.  While I was visiting, I happened to…
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