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    Samwise makes me smile....he looks snuggly, but if you multiply the snuggliness in this pic by about 100 and you'll…
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  • Wouldn't it be nice if Sedlak gave a damn about the people already in this world? I am SO sick…
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  • Me too.  I have tons of them for grocery shopping, but I can always use more. And someday I'm going…
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  • AMEN!
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  • Where exactly is the Superdome?  Is it on higher land, and is it a sturdy structure?  My experience of stadiums…
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  • I saw on the Weather Channel that heavy rains could/will hit New England by Thursday.  The awful weather basically formed…
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  • Does anyone else watch too many SciFi Channel movies?? The worst-case scenario here ... could submerge much of this historic…
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  • Ah, thank you everyone.  Now I understand, and that's always the first step. I'm glad to be back.  I've missed…
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  • I know this is a stupid question, but how does one go from being a trusted BooTrib user to being…
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  • Does anyone have any idea of how close he is to being down to just his hard-core base?   I'm…
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  • I'm reading  A Secret Life: The Polish Officer, His Covert Mission, and the Price He Paid to Save His Country…
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  • This is the key point, one that isn't getting enough discussion, and clearly isn't getting through to people like Gersh:…
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  • There was good call-in session with Joseph Wilson today.  It's supposed to be posted on Schultz's web site sometime, but…
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  • Sweet or unsweetened tea? I like some of the front-page stuff at Daily Kos, but other things...not so much. So,…
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  • It's the tubs of dip that you can get in the dairy aisle for a dollar or two.
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  • <rant> What can we do about this?  How about make sure that people can find a job so they don't…
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  • When I was an undergraduate, my landlady shared this recipe with me.  I signed my paychecks over to her to…
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  • Check this story out: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15849828-23109,00.html Think the reporter dislikes the chimp?
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  • I think it's less the haggis than what one washes it down with....
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  • Part of the Discovery Channel's sponsorship contract said that Armstrong would race in one more Tour. Armstrong is part owner…
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