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    Used to be that the military was a very powerful player in Washington. And that used to be a big…
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  • I would also pay close attention to the analysis by Lawrence Tribe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc2cba4klQI
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  • I don't think you're right. I agree with this guy: “'You know what you need to know from the documents…
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  • Correction: The prosecutor that Trump alluded to in the call wasn't Shokin, it was Yuriy Lutsenko, who actually works for…
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  • While we're on the lighter side of darkness, here's another bit of black humor for you all. On the famous…
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  • It's not only Cilizza, it was the knee-jerk buzz of most of the media. It's actually similar to what happened…
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  • Excellent post.
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  • I don't give a rat's ass which Democratic candidates Brett Stephens considers too far to the left. But in the…
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  • Telling the truth about history is democracy. Obliterating history is Orwellian.
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  • For years, for decades, "Republican-lite" Democrats have been expected to win as "the lesser of two evils." Wouldn't this work…
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  • Why is this comment being held for moderation? In almost 12 1/2 years of my comments on BT and here,…
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  • So in other words, it was already in private hands, but because the previous (diverse) owners didn't have monopoly power,…
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  • The answer to your question is that liberalism, especially since Reagan and Thatcher (the implementation of Louis Powell's secret memo…
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  • I read that article. What I don't get is, who are they buying the land FROM? If from the government,…
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  • Brought to you by the party of family values.
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  • Right, you were being entirely "pragmatic." But there is ideology in your piece nevertheless, and in my view, it lies…
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  • I guess there are two levels of attribution here: One, whether Trump actually said these things. Two — beyond that,…
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  • You don't have to be a lawyer to understand that prosecutors don't indict people because they are guilty. Prosecutors indict…
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  • I don't agree with this at all. It's as if nothing can go forward without further testimony from Mueller. His…
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  • Trump is losing it — and frankly, he had nothing to lose in the first place. But Barr (his not-so-secret…
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