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    Okay - I'll surf for other critter pictures this weekend....for now this is as close I get to non-cat blogging....
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  • That closing line was my favorite part of the ad...and GMO is right up there with fooling Mother Nature.
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  • This fight is just up the road from me and getting very interesting. The last time a ballot measure was…
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  • Okay that's it - I'm loading the truck with the camping gear and heading out.... Geez that is a gorgeous…
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  • Congrats to your friend.... For my part I'll take another hot flash - yikes. Handling grandkidlets from the step-daughter is…
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  • I add a width parameter to my photos when I post - copy the tag info from photobucket and then…
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  • Loved this picture....just perfect for your day!
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  • Time to settle down with a buddy and enjoy the day! Since work wants my attention I'll just let critters…
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  • The government sticking it's nose into libraries is perhaps one of the most offensive things they do. Limiting books or…
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  • We have lost a true hero and honorable leader. Thank you for this wonderful tribute to him.
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  • LOL - sometimes I forget the literal nature of this lovely English language....
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  • Tom Cruise lost me with Top Gun...probably because I knew a bunch of Vietnam fighter pilot guys. I snickered at…
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  • I work for a small private university in California in the business office. In tracking comparable size schools and nearby…
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  • My time stamp was fine....the comments thing was the only quirky thing this morning for me. Thanks for keeping us…
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  • I think it would be a great idea...maybe we can work it out offline! This grandkidlet is 8 1/2 with…
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  • Sometimes my cat - age 14 - loses weight when the first summer heat wave arrives. If Marley is eating…
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  • Today is a super day for me...  - the software migration from hell is done testing...Tuesday we'll see if the…
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  • Nice to see you over here Wry... Now about the typing skills.....are you trying to be HAL this morning.... 'What…
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  • I can relate to this comment: "this sense of discomfort, of hating the feeling of dependence" As a woman that…
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  • "And it begins with backing off your original plans for a second-term agenda, and making this more of a coalition…
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