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    Where's Downing Street? Is that a new Pizza Parlor? ....home sick from work yesterday afternoon....watched daytime news...watched about 10 minutes…
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  • It is good to see that women are recognized for their contributions in military conflicts. I am glad that this…
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  • Positive karma and good energy on its way......
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  • My husband suffers from canker sores inside his mouth...big time. We'll go to Whole Foods tonight and get some... If…
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  • I know that any advice and ideas and plans are welcome. Opening this discussion in the comments there would be…
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  • "Yeah, yeah, it just got started! But as we discussed in the comments, this blog has only been a temporary…
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  • I started with spiral notebooks and now have bookstore type spiral journals. When life is freaking me out I write…
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  • Welcome to the frog pond! Pull up a toadstool, coffee this morning, Damnit Janet bartending later with green drinks... I…
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  • Our previous attorney had died and we needed to update our wills and trusts. The new attorney that did our…
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  • There was a notice last week...I'll see if I can track it down... It's a few weeks hiatus...an understandable need…
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  • My husband and I did this about 10 years ago. We are currently working on one for my mother who…
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  • I currently live in one of the most liberal counties in CA AND I work for a formerly Catholic university.…
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  • I'm partial to all critters....so puppies, ferrets, baby wild animals....will rotate through... Maybe a puppy pic for jdog tomorrow???  :^D
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  • C'mon spell it out...he just got a job with Exxon! No conflict there...nope, none, whaddya mean kind of?
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  • The incomparable PhillyGal has a picture for every occasion and here long haired white kitty is named "Pootie". I wonder…
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  • Since the weather is cold and probably rainy here in Northern CA...I'm in favor of some coffee and then curling…
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  • At 17 or so (1968-69 time frame) they planted seeds in the flower beds at the front of the Utah…
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  • Gee I haven't even posted yet Oh well I'll just jump in here and mention playing catch with darts at…
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  • I still can have nightmares if I think about trading my sneakers and shorts for tap shoes. Tea for Two…
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  • Janet thanks for reminding me of my spare time hours. LOL Since I spend so many hours a week involved…
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