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    Civil liberties / human rights This political concern at it's core for me is based on many things...  (1)  abused…
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  • There were some really good and thoughtful comments over there.  There were some that were the usual accusatory and divisive…
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  • That is the best short frame I have ever heard...may I use it? Special interest groups "reinforce core values"....they show…
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  • As a woman born in the 1950's I came of age at the height of the women's movement and at…
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  • But with my short term memory 'issues' I'm not sure I wrote anything worthy of keeping anyway. As I trundled…
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  • I like this idea! A place for ongoing community ideas and general interest items. It could also be a place…
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  • Welcome to the frog pond where the water is fine and the comraderie is better! Keep up the good work…
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  • I will look forward to seeing the information that Booman and Jerome put together... But I suspect that my heart…
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  • Wherever you go Carnacki may you walk in peace and harmony. May you have the energy and the heart to…
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  • Hmmmm - must be a big nutshell! Lots of interesting stuff hidden in those few words! Welcome to a Wiccan…
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  • Glad you are here quartzite! You made me smile at your uid - this past year I did a fireplace…
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  • Welcome from Northern California... Posting diaries and comments - there is something about this place that encourages diaries when you…
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  • Wow - what a wonderful trip! The views in the photos are just breathtaking. I am so amazed and awed…
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  • Welcome with big hugs - Your fight with alcholism, and openness about the struggle, is an inspiration. You have my…
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  • Welcome to the frog pond...where the water is fine and friends are plentiful. I loved your comments at the other…
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  • Dropping 4's as fast as I can and still get some work (??) done! Will try to comment mid-afternoon... I…
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  • Each time I read these diaries they touch my heart. I have read and bookmarked each of these diaries and…
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  • What a wonderful walk down the gorge and pictures are wonderful. The river between the walls of the gorge is…
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  • Like you I've been moved to tears too many times in the past few days. I have now moved to…
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