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    No invite necessary....I changed the set-up so that it's open. In keeping with the tone of Booman I didn't want…
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  • Random thought on my drive home: The local chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution are active in supporting…
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  • http://groups.yahoo.com/group/frog_pond/ All you need is a Yahoo email account... I check my Yahoo email on average once an hour during…
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  • I'd like a Henry Africa's Strawberry Daiquiri ....this is to make all of us oldsters nostalgic... Henry Africa's was a…
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  • Alert! Alert! Diary Hijack! Get you elbows on the bar at the Froggy Bottom Cafe! http://www.boomantribune.com/?op=displaystory;sid=2005/6/22/85041/5254 Stolen from MSOC at…
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  • This is one of those totally distateful suggestions - but it might work... Do you have Republican Senator or Congressman…
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  • I used to post comments and read 90% of my time at DailyKos - but I got there through a…
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  • It is good to see military officers standing up for the integrity of the troops. Too many high level asshats…
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  • I can just see the headline now! I wonder how those good ol'boy Texas oilmen feel about being told they…
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  • I got a "could not comment" on ongoing legislation...registered my objection to the drilling. Posted updates info in the West…
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  • Follow-up to SusanHu's diary yesterday... http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/21/171341/919 There is been little or no information in the press - especially the California…
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  • Follow-up to SusanHu's diary yesterday... http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/21/171341/919 There is been little or no information in the press - especially the California…
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  • Will someone help clear my desk? Yummy....bacon and eggs for breakfast...since that's my weekend breakfast that must mean it's Saturday!…
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  • Great reference list...it's nice to have access to resource links other than the usual search engines. Thanks for the info.
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  • I'll see what I can find out...Boxer's office is really responsive.
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  • I did the news.Google.com search on the following and got about 8 or so hits on U.S. news...and a few…
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  • Thanks for the heads up Susan... I will check the CA papers tonight and Sierra Club info to see if…
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  • Thanks for the links and we will make a contribution today. History is written by the victors - unless you…
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  • I love that picture....
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  • Someday I'm going to pop-off with some statement and get arrested...you and I can share a cell MT! Never in…
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