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    I voted for litterbugs - messing with Mother Earth! Tailgaters are a pain the ass pun intended! but a fact…
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  • The U.S. calendars, among others, celebrate today.... My celebration as a Pagan is also Friday...but this is also a good…
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  • There's some pretty good software on the market for recording from vinyl to computer. The technical steps are beyond me…
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  • Interesting quiz... I was really amazed at the number of states that allow discrimination based on sexual orientation...aaaarrrgh! I thought…
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  • For those celebrating Solstice today...and in anticipation of the June 24th holiday.... "Turn your face to the sun and the…
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  • Where is this nation's moral outrage that anyone that is injured sits in a police station and not in at…
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  • I generally don't walk in the moonlight in the suburbs where I live - more from time constraints than any…
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  • What a great way to celebrate Solstice.... I really like the Affirmations and have saved a copy to share by…
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  • Oh you are such a bad boo-tribber! Big Hugs for such great work! Tsk-tsk exposing the WH photos for what…
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  • I like the gold trim frog also... But can we get a republican elephant logo on the jacket? Maybe talk…
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  • We can use the froggy bottom logo on other stuff Diane... 🙂
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  • Good Morning Diane! The frog logo is cute! Kona coffee...yummy... I'm perusing some of the diaries I missed over the…
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  • Great info Tigger... It is interesting to see the labor unions in Iraq speaking up about ending the occupation. Unfortunately,…
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  • I'll second the entire list.... News source...there is too much going on and the blogs provide links to info that…
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  • and a bunch come from PhillyGal's postings. Terrific on the Lysine find.
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  • She is so super cute there... I like her later princess pictuers too...but that is at least a 20 on…
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  • Taking the grandkids Class II+ whitewater rafting tomorrow and camping overnight.... Only wrinkle...we have to take their parents...nah, not really,…
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  • ....welcome to the other neighborhood!
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  • Friday = sunny day naps tomorrow...nah - why wait...
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  • Difference between Vietnam and Iraq....speed at which information travels. Heard this on CBS radio affiliate this morning in SF...was really…
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