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    Hugs to you moiv and your father... Sending healing energy to your father and your family - take care of…
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  • Shirl - thanks for this diary - it says so much that I'm feeling and didn't have the words to…
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  • Oui - thanks for keeping the info flowing while I'm supposed to be sleeping. Every diary and most comments you…
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  • Thank you for the recommendation AndiF. You are right about the fascinating geology of the Southwest areas. It was one…
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  • I am glad your grief and depression are fading and those are tough mountains to climb. If you need a…
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  • The Carpathians are beautiful mountains - it would be wonderful to see them in person. I understand the nostalgia -…
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  • As a smoker I work hard at keeping tobacco away from the young so they don't become addicted. I gladly…
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  • I have seen and walked many mountains and will periodically post a diary on a mountain from western North America.…
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  • Thanks for your comment here... Sheeesh.  Whether folks who left dKos go back or not, dKos has a very large…
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  • Goal:   a fair and equal place for all - especially my grandchildren. Focus:  local politics, because all politics even…
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  • It seems that the ink isn't dry these days before we get revisionist history. Nice catch from the Raw Story…
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  • What are we turning into here? How much outrage do we need to put up with? Who do we send…
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  • Just wait....at 40 or 50 of those bad things they are all groaner funny! Booman knew we needed a good…
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  • and you posted on of my favorite kitty pictures! So have another 4! I love Mojo parties! And yes -…
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  • Cat Rules - How to Treat Owners How Long Should You Keep Your Human? You are only obligated to your…
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  • Being in the same neighborhood (so to speak!) I'd love to see diaries on transportation. Some of the rail changes…
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  • I count myself lucky that my political area is represented by Senator Boxer & representative Nancy Pelosi. I have my…
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  • Perfect answer...'nuff said.
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  • I read the diary Hausfrau....please keep us updated on the website information. My focus has all been local - DFA…
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  • I consider myself part of the peace making majority here so my .02. There were a couple of minor incidents…
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