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    He may be teflon, but it's teflon that's breaking down, losing it's chemical integrity and ceasing to function. IMHO.
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  • I don't think the lawyer can be drawn in.
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  • Thank you!
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  • "Operation Mockingbird". It's a shame we can't find the entire Bernstein piece.
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  • Each year since 2000, on my birthday I've tried to put together some predictions for the coming years. I have…
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  • Yes! A very thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of the possible. I'm even excited that someone might actually be held accountable…
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  • Yes indeedy!
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  • To ever believe what this regime's spokespeople say represents the triumph of wishful thinking over reality. I always asume they're…
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  • The incomparable James Wolcott links to an excellent bit about all this here.
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  • It's so important that we learn all this information, and I am immensly thankful to all those here who do…
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  • I'd like to think you are right, but sadly, even though the vietnam war was a disatser from the outset…
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  • Here's The New Republic's list of the top 15 in the Bush "Hackocracy". 15: Israel Hernandez Assistant Secretary for Trade…
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  • Yes! But wouldn't any regular route need to be close to water, (like the Euprates river valley)? Pure speculation but…
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  • Great line about "stupid" and "malice". Sounds like something Mencken might have said.
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  • I find it significant that the officer you contacted was referring to the huey and the cobra, "the" denoting "singular".…
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  • You can make a list of every major decision Bushco and the Pentagon suits made, (failing to secure the ammo…
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  • I've been emphasizing a particular point of view for quite a while now, a perspective I think is vital if…
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  • I will eat my hat if there's any major withdrawl of US troops from the MidEast before the end of…
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  • Balance and wisdom and "eveness of mind" tend to manifest when we seek and respect the truth rather than succumbing…
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  • This is important info you're providing here and it's much appreciated. The blowing of the bridges is like the flawed…
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