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    I agree with you too on most of what you're saying, but the fundamental difference is that where you say;…
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  • If we had had this internet thing going back in the mid-sixties, Johnson might never have pulled off the fraudulent…
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  • I'm deeply appreciative of your reference to the "Bush Crime Family", because that is what they are; a gang of…
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  • Many thanks to you BostonJoe for your energy and diligence in researching the law on this matter and sharing it…
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  • I would point out that our military relationship with Saudi Arabia is the smallest now that it's ever been. Same…
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  • I went through this back in 1966 when I turned 18. The Vietnam war was raging, I was prime meat,…
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  • dutifully carrying out his duties as an enabler for Bush regime propaganda, "Tweety" Matthews has devoted (so far) the first…
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  • I wonder if BushCo has hired and pre-positioned some criminals to kidnap a female white child or two as soon…
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  • Perfect title for this open thread.
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  • if the neocons are going to keep on "winning", (i.e. profiting), they must keep a large troop presence in the…
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  • Here's where I see things differently. Let's say the Iraq invasion did result in the creation of a stable, violence…
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  • Reading what I wrote here I can see how it could be interpreted as somewhat snarky or aggressive. Such is…
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  • I'm not sure what the central point is you're making, unless it's that "incompetence" of BushCo is the primary or…
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  • They want to create a region wide climate of instability in order that they may gain control of virtually all…
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  • In psychology they call this "projection", where a person transfers his own characteristics onto others. Bush as been doing this…
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  • If the constitution isn't ratified the entire process goes all the way back to the beginning, with a country-wide public…
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  • I agree with all your individual points. The only thing for me is that I see the significance of them…
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  • I'd like to see them all lined up on the Mall in DC in stocks; with a steady stream of…
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  • Franklin, his AIPAC conduits, and others such as Michael Ledeen, Harold Rhode, David Wurmser, etc., are linked to a very…
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  • I wasn't aware of the direct Miller/Kelly connection. Thanks for the info. These are ruthless people; murderous sociopaths without the…
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