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    I see you have an R. A. Lafferty title in your excellent booklist. I've been trying to recall the name…
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  • So many great books, so many profound writers, that each day different titles ascend according to the mood and whim…
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  • Tragically exact!
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  • The demise of the DeLay machine is a slow motion anvil which will pick up an enormous amount of speed…
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  • And the Office of Special Plans wasn't created to push Iraqis to provide false info. They already had Chalabi as…
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  • Office of Special Plans.
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  • Note; Before the neocons were "liberals", they were for the most part leftist Trotskyites, or in some cases Leninists. And…
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  • If only the Larry Franklin arrest would lead to the exposure of the Michael Ledeen gang, the neocon hijacking of…
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  • Big corporate money interests were afraid of Dean, so they conspired with the DLC to pull the plug on him…
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  • Richard Clark, (anti-terrorism guy in the Bush regime), said that last part, but of course he was fired.
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  • This thread of commentary is excellent. It's significant that our putative leaders in the Democratic party seem categorically unable to…
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  • I think it's great that the inevitable self-destruction of the GOP dysfunctional agenda is proceeding apace. But let's be clear;…
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  • So many great films my mind would blow a fuse if I tried to rank them in my head. A…
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  • To me it seems pretty counter-intuitive to expect that by diluting the intensity of support for one's core principles that…
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  • There's nothing surprising about this. The Bush regime has shown it's utter contempt and disdain for Democracy and for the…
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  • You know a society is in serious trouble when the ethical transgressions of it's leaders get a pass like this.…
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  • What you say about your right-leaning friends; I hear them bitching about the same things we do (albeit coming from…
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  • CAGW has been around since the mid 1980's. While there is a whole maze of ugly connections between CAGW's founder…
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  • The spectacle of the "collegiality", (the hypocrisy of professional courtesy), these pundits and news people display is truly nauseating. Sadly,…
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  • Exactly!
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