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    Bin Laden's 19 murderous henchmen no more represent the broad sentiments of Saudis than James dobson or Jerry Falwell represent…
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  • I'm not absolving any of the local authorities of blame in this, but simply saying that whether the authority for…
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  • While I understand, and to a certain extent agree with much of what you say here, I do not believe…
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  • I agree with all you say. For the sake of clarity, I am not seeking to exonerate local govt. officials…
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  • I'm very glad to see this DEFCON site. It's a great idea and I'm pleased people with the resourcefulness have…
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  • "...what kind of fucking person trades photos of dismembered people for pornography? "Person" might be too kind of a descriptor…
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  • It would have been great if they'd read this section from page 43 of the NRP. Guiding principles for proactive…
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  • I just watched the end of Brown's performance. I remember slimy and devious, brown-nosing, back-stabbing creeps like him from basck…
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  • I was at a neighbor's house earlier and we watched the first half of Martin Scorsese's film on Bob Dylan…
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  • I've believed all along that BushCo got a lot more mileage out of bin Laden on the loose, (as a…
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  • This regime has to constantly, and instantly revise history as they go because everything they do is based on lies.…
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  • Far be it from me to defend or in any way support the actions of those who murder innocents in…
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  • Are Iraq Kurds staging cross border incursions into Turkey? And if so are they being provoked by Turks crossing into…
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  • As you say; "...we should be figuring out how to turn leaving into something positive for the Iraqi people." I…
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  • Was it "My Life Is a Weapon", (written by a German guy I think)? I read an excerpt somewhere recently…
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  • the elevation of the full blown sociopath Netanyahu will close the circle against any hope for a cessation of violence…
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  • I think it was Kos the other day who made the point that whereas the WSJ, in wanting to make…
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  • MaryScott, Thank you so much for doing this. I've been saving lots of the op-eds from the NYT for a…
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  • This is off topic, but do you remember the name of a story by Kundera having to do with what…
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  • Unaccustomed as I am to such praise, I thank you for your kind words. I always enjoy your posts too.…
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