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    Yes! The problem with Party Unity in the current political climate is; "What do we unify around?" Do we come…
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  • I agree with all that you say. I would be the last one to dispute the fundamental truth that as…
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  • Yes but the Taliban sadism was rooted in the extremist perversions of Islamic teachings, not out of ancient tribal customs.…
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  • I agree about US duplicity and abandonment of principle. I would only comment that the insanity of the Taliban transcended…
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  • We in America seem to be a lot more fearful partly because we are just as scared of lifestyle-threatening events…
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  • Sometimes fear is just less important than doing what one thinks is right. Some people call this "Courage".
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  • Natural fear is a deeply rooted characteristic of our psyche linked to whatever we refer to as our survival instinct.…
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  • And let's not forget that Karzai, while working for Unocal along with Khalilizad, supported the Taliban during that time when…
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  • Karzai will never get beyond being "King of Kabul" and most likely the US will have no more use for…
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  • Ungrateful subjects? How dare they spurn the perfection of our plan for them. How rude of them not to praise…
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  • I really wish I could make it to DC for this, but a recent health problem combined with recent poverty…
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  • Ghengis was a helluva lot smarter than Bush the imbecile and far more competent than Cheney and the neocons. And…
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  • I was sure the title of the story by Kipling was "Kings of Kafiristan", but I must have misremembered, because…
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  • "Kings of Kafiristan" was a terific book by Kipling that (somewhat fictionally) describes the tribal nature and fiercely independent character…
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  • Is anyone truly surprised that Baucus will vote for Roberts? He's been a shitbird in congress since the beginning, a…
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  • This Pope suffers from the same institutionalized delusion as his shabby extremist predecessor; he actually believes in the doctrine of…
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  • I wish I could agree with you about the benefits of signing on to the NPT. Given the fact that…
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  • Whenever a gang of megalomaniacal warmongers, (Cheney, et. al.) seeks to gain support of the people in order to expand…
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  • Tragically, I doubt our illustrious establishment media will address this story.
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