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    Yes! This is entertainment masquerading as news, something our MSM is famous for. Neither Galloway or Hitchens have any measurable…
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  • I agree with this point by Hitchens also. HOWEVER, Hitchens deliberately neglects to ac`knowledge that these particular kind of murderous…
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  • There are many places the odious criminal Kissinger won't travel to also for fear of arrest. I'm sure there are…
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  • I dispute the very idea that there actually is a "Global War on Terror", at least insofar as US participation…
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  • Off topic, but still relating to the creature known as "wingnut". Does it seem eerily suspicious to anyone else that…
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  • Yes! The imperial bully's interest selfishly trumps what is right in it's pathological need for (any) victory, and as Thucydidides…
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  • Hooray! One more person on the road to cognitive recovery and release from denial! We may get our country back…
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  • Bush regime "crime in progress", heres PNAC chief and leading neocon gasbag Gary Schmitt disparaging the political process in Iraq…
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  • The Bush regime's main players are so infatuated with themselves and their crackpot ideology that they've become incapable of accurately…
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  • This is an interesting site about "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", link here. Here, and here, and here, are quite useful analyses…
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  • These lunatics running the regime are making the same mistake that all advocates for empire have made; they've chosen to…
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  • Here in Florida in the hurricane season of 2004, (before the election), FEMA gave out I forget how many tens…
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  • The very idea of responsible oversight is an alien concept to the Bush regime. They know they have to restore…
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  • They think they are doing it the right way. For them the right way is to loot the economy at…
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  • This comment may be a ittle late. I'd assumed your use of the phrase "res ipsa loquitur" was  a statement…
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  • I don't know all the details about the vote count funds themselves, but for Kerry to reprise his "count every…
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  • I agree with Soj, Susan and you Booman. Corporate interests are running the government and much of the world; they…
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  • You're right about the wingnut dogma. Interesting quote by Ustinov. I recently saw a rerun of his role as Nero…
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  • It's an ongoing tragedy that there are still so many people who don't understand the simple truth that sometimes loyalty…
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  • I've worked in quite a few restaurants over the years where the typically big-egoed narcissism of the owners mad ethem…
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