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    Great letter! We haven't been living in a functioning Democracy in this country since the advent of the electronic voting…
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  • I've never been one to put much stock in hope as a useful method of dealing with difficulty However,  the…
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  • How many real Democrats, (that is democrats able and willing to stand up for the principles not only of democracy…
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  • As much as they can get away with is how much will disappear!
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  • Almost assuredly that will happen.
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  • Point of Info. Operation Blessing is a Pat Robertson organization, and it's one in which he seriously abused it's services…
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  • Yes! Quite a condemnation on it's own.
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  • We're no longer living in a functioning democracy, that's for sure. And it's patenhtly clear that the extremism of the…
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  • No one should be surprised by this. The Bush regime and it's congressional minions are not going to open up…
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  • Nixon made the famous remark about Barbara Bush; "She knows how to hate."
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  • As Ron Suskind recorded some years ago in his great piece in the NYT entitled; "Without a Doubt; (quoting an…
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  • Lynne Cheney has already been quite active in getting school textbooks destroyed and replaced with ones she approves of. She's…
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  • his shows ratings are higher. (many more viewers)
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  • Yes! Olbermann has the only fact-based show on MSNBC. (Happily, he outperforms the odious pontificator Matthews too.)
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  • The Cable news media is now in full "entertainment mode". Their main focus seems to be a constant stream of…
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  • Cable news media is mainly an entertainment venue, and what they call news they evaluate according to it's entertainment value…
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  • I've sent off emailsto all the major news outlets I frequent alerting them to the existence of the NRP and…
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  • Is anyone surprised by this; that the Bush regime would attempt to use such a tactic to obscure their own…
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  • Maureen Dowd has been the only one on the NYT op-ed page to consistently point out the dangerous idiocy of…
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  • Yes! There's nothing like a bracing swim after a hard day's labor serving one's subjects.
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