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    All the various accounts I've read of Zawahiri's arrest and detention by the Russians seem somehow incomplete, as though there's…
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  • Her name was April Glaspie. Here's a link to a transcript of her official conversation with Saddam Hussein just 8-9…
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  • I knew I had this article on my computer somewhere and I finally found it. And, the link even still…
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  • If the nation can truly experience the tragedy of which Cindy Sheehan  calls our conscience to, then we'll begin to…
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  • I think Augustine said; "War is love's response to a neighbor threatened by force". In that sense, going into Kuwait…
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  • I think if the US govt. had not provided Saddam with 10's of millions of dollars and material to use…
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  • If Britain does remain steadfast with the rest of Europe in opposition to Bolton/Bush and in support of the original…
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  • No, it wasn't me, but I certainly appreciate the fact that hate, once manifested, takes on a tenacious life of…
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  • Hate is a function of fear, and no one has done a more thorough job of inculcating fear into the…
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  • It's impossible for aggressive loonies like these to not try to impose their will on others because for so many…
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  • These sick, delusional and inappropriately aggressive lunatics might be defending some twisted definition of "life", but their disregard and lack…
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  • Who would be so cruel as to do that to a chimpanzee?
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  • Everyone should be outraged at all the talk  of "morality" as a basis upon which to judge and then contravene…
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  • While I'm not really clear on what "our" (US) interests are supposed to be in Iraq, several things seem abundantly…
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  • I'm very late to this debate because of the hurricane here in FL that knocked out my power, but I…
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  • As you say about Pat Lang; There may be many reasons for that.  He knows his stuff, and they know…
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  • If we the public could get the kind of thoughtful coverage and analysis provided by people such as Patrick Lang…
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  • Is Idaho now going to challenge Kansas for the title of the State Most Disconnected From Reality?
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  • Here are (Ret.) General William Odom's 9 main reasons why we should depart Iraq. He's nowhere near as funny as…
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  • The quote you referenced describes the essence of Bolton's and the rest of the neocon's fractured and inverted logic. Typically,…
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