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    My LTE to the NYT in response to David Brooks' column. David Brooks joins with Zalmay Khalilizad and Reuel Marc…
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  • And neocon spokesman and general gasbag David Brooks shows once again that the essential liberties of equal rights and the…
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  • Bolton the Destroyer is off and running with his first disruptive initiative at the UN here.
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  • Just in case anyone was wondering what Tony Blair might have been expecting to gain out of his subservience to…
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  • Yes! It seems abundantly clear that every time we kick in a family's door or kill an innocent civilian bystander…
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  • I suspect that Mr. Khalilizad will get quite a scolding from his PNAC masters for actually speaking the truth to…
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  • Typically I use 1 part crisco for every 2 parts butter for pie crusts, tart shells, and quiche crusts. the…
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  • Give me a loaf of fresh baked sourdough baguette and chilled butter and I'm in heaven.
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  • Everyone must remember the rightwing Iraqi woman the Bush campaign used in the gallery during his SOTU speech as an…
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  • Make sure the butter is cold too.
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  • Kvetch; Why is it that our intrepid  media mannequins have failed to ask the question of the Bush regime; "Please…
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  • Here's one link. This link is not one of the ones I read before, (I still can't find them), but…
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  • You're right. The Bush regime and the now elevated bin Laden gang have a deep symbiotic relationship that serrves each…
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  • and was brought back each time, I value life because I am alive. I value the life of others because…
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  • These people are not rational. that's why it's so hard for rational people to understand how maniacs like this can…
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  • I'll have to search for the sites where I fierst saw it, but there have been studies about the potential…
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  • If there was justice in the world, we'd be able to confine Robertson, Coulter, Malkin, Limbaugh and the always insane…
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  • Cheney and his diabolical pals have absolutely no intention of withdrawing the troops from Iraq any time in the foreseeable…
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  • Of all the architects of this pre-emptive war agenda, only one of them is an elected official (Cheney), and even…
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  • I am in complete agreement!
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