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    our govt. doesn't want these pics released is because they want to protect their own image. They cleverly use the…
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  • Wow!
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  • about the "snowball effect" regarding the loss of trust derailing the Bush juggernaut. I also agree that, as you say,…
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  • concept of "Moral Hazard" is very instructive. In some ways it's merelya way to describe forms of negligence, carelessness and…
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  • but it's my own personal favorite monitor cleaner.
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  • By Julian Beever here. His "anamorphic", 3-D pavement paintings are absolutely astonishing.
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  • I'm cautiously optimistic that these sinking poll numbers for Bush might be reflective of a more dramatic and fundamental failure…
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  • As'Ad AbuKhalil  gives a chilling account of all this, and as you have previously pointed out, Prince Turki was at…
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  • I'm very happy our respective perspectives are in sync. some of the most beautiful places I've ever been are on…
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  • Alohaleezy, I don't think we disagree; I do think there's a misunderstanding. In no way do I suggest that we…
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  • I agree that Crawford is wrong in his view that the use of the word "chickenhawk" cost him the win.…
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  • My point exactly.
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  • Looking at the creature Schmidt, I think she came off the same production line as one of my state's congresspeople,…
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  • I didn't know Cheney was rumored to be going there, but if he does maybe we can all chip in…
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  • I think the renaming of the whole effort is based on some pretty simple concepts. First, a "war" is something…
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  • The fact that our "imbecile in chief" wasn't consulted about the rebranding of the so-called "war on terror" shouldn't surprise…
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  • There are 2 main things here I think are extremely important. One is that there will be no significant US…
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  • I missed most of Matthews' show tonight, but I was astonished to hear him remark, toward the end of the…
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  • that even worries his handlers. It's that even when told to do something by the people he professes loyalty to,…
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  • A very alert tourist in DC spotted Novak without his makeup out in public. NOVAK (No offense meant to the…
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