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    I agree that more people are becoming aware of the lies, but I don't think that many more people are…
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  • I've felt there was something "off" about this whole revelation too, though certainly it's only a "feeling" on my part,…
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  • I just watched "Hardball" and I was amazed to hear the usually patronizing and contemptible Christopher Hitchens say something I…
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  • Great connection to Robert Shetterly and his site. Thank you.
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  • Even PBS is no longer protected from the ravages of wingnut pathology. With Tomlinson as the Repub hitman running the…
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  • FYI, the heavy set guy with the British accent is Tony Blankley, editorial page editor for the Washington times, Sun…
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  • I didn't think Horowitz was allowed on any of the TV programs anymore. I think even Fox has shunned him…
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  • Gaffney is a certifiable lunatic and has been one for decades. And of course he's one of the most ideologically…
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  • Most repulsive; Malkin Most pathetic; O'Reilly, Coulter, Scarborough, Carlson, (Tucker) Most destructive; Limbaugh and Chris Matthews, Limbaugh because he has…
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  • to a question I posed yesterday in a comment here on another thread. My question; "What, if any, important agreements…
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  • Add point 4. Providing nuclear technology to a country, (India) who is nuclear armed but who has not signed on…
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  • Certainly a major part of the neocon agenda here in the US is to loot the economy and place all…
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  • They are pathological liars, always concealing their true agenda, masquerading as patriots who put America's interests first. But these lunatics…
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  • Cheney, Rove and Andrew Card have kept the imbecile Bush on a need to know basis since the very beginning.…
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  • You're absolutely right! Bush exhibits virtually all the symptoms of dry drunk syndrome. And now all his control mechanisms are…
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  • I should have written "primacy" instead of "legitimacy" in the sentence ; "...requires the other to renounce the legitimacy of…
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  • Yes! This puts the lie to Bush's idiotic rhetoric about freedom. There can be no meaningful freedom in a society…
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  • Let's see. There are evidently 4 major sticking points. Determining the role of Islam. Determining the rights of women. Determining…
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  • Nearly all the major power players on the world stage today are devoted to authoritarianism as the preferred method of…
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