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    Actually, the article you're thinking about might be the one referenced by "Oui" above, entitled Dreaming of Baghdad, linked again…
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  • I think what you say about; ..."why in the hell wouldn't Iran 'participate" (infiltrate) Iraqi politics as much as possible?"…
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  • Bush gives new meaning to the words "imbecile" and "self absorbed". His destructive impact aside, what an embarrassment he is.…
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  • Here's another thoughtful piece by Pat Lang, (from his blog Sic Semper Tyrannis ) commenting on today's WaPo article by…
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  • I used to spend time in Angel's Camp because I had friends there I'd visit occassionally, and Strawberry was just…
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  • Born in Bryn Mawr Hospital, raised in Devon out on the Main Line. My favorite things as a kid were…
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  • I vistit Pat Lang's site everyday. I was always impressed with him when he was a frequent guest on cable…
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  • Since it's the Bush regime sounding the alarm over SS, Dems should let Republican voices be the ones to inform…
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  • to that referenced  Matt Bai's article, from The Nation comes Ari Berman's excellent piece on the same set of topics…
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  • It's all part of that ridiculous "decorum" game that all-self-important congress members play with each other. You know half these…
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  • It's certainly been very clear from the beginning that the Repub-chaired intel related committees' main job is to deflect scrutiny,…
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  • Kate O'Bierne! Horrible wingnut harpie, editor at National Review, former big time mucky muck at the Heritage foundation. Hasn't had…
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  • Katherine Harris looks to have some pretty serious clinical problems, (along with perhaps a slight "wacky dust abuse problem [evidenced…
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  • And the ego is shaped like a mushroom cloud!
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  • think would be quite useful and also stimulate participation, though I'm not necessarily able to initiate them. Someone could do…
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  • words is that we need not accept limitation as restriction but rather as an opportunity to find another way of…
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  • These young Repubs are even more disgraceful though in the sense that, as sick and misguided as the Hitler youth…
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  • you speak of, as well as the rest of the main supporters of the Bush regime, they are incapable of…
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  • character that we tend to believe what we want to believe, despite often overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Where our…
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