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    I agree with you on a couple of points you raise. Certainly it's possible that had Kerry been able to…
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  • I cross-posted my remarks above at DKos also, for the sake of direct response. I agree with everything you say…
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  • Gads! Announcing a gratuitous pro-war position in the context of current events is a pretty ghastly exercise. This little part…
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  • I used to like David Ignatius more before he returned from Europe. While I agree with many of his points…
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  • As you say, the Repugs have the Bush anvil around their necks. But we (real) Dems have the DLC anvil…
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  • I too welcome the decreasing approval for this regime's insane and dangerous agenda. However, I do not see that "we"…
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  • Stalin had a great constitution written in 1936 which I'm sure was more democratically aligned than what the PNAC operative…
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  • I'm with you BrendaStewart as far as wondering about the progressive end of the Democratic Party's abilities. Who do we…
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  • George Allen proves, once again, that he's the second stupidest person in Washington after "you know who", (the Imbecile in…
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  • You've elucidated the point about this better than anyone. If there was anyone with integrity in the Democratic party leadership…
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  • As great as it is that conservative pundits are finally acknowledging that the Bush regime's Iraq adventure is a disaster,…
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  • I used to like Dana Millbank's writing for WaPo because I thought he tried to stay responsible to the facts…
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  • There seems to be something "off" about this "Able Danger" business. My sense is that Lt. Col. Shaffer is part…
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  • The primary objective of the Bush regime's behavior vis a vis Iran is to provoke the Iranians into taking some…
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  • I don't think the "American Dream" itself is dying. I just think that there aren't enough of us now who…
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  • I forgot an important one. 6. Reject all electronic voting machines and return to paper or punchcard ballots entirely. Along…
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  • Stop voting for self-absorbed assholes who don't have the courage to stand up for the principles they claim to revere.…
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  • Below is an English translation of tragically humorous article from Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung about other lousy labor practises Disney is…
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  • Sadly, the (what passes for) opposition leadership is much more a part of the problem than they are a part…
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  • Yes! Cheney and the PNACers want the oil as an instrument of power, not as fuel. Control of those resources…
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