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    these self absorbed creatures have no idea what "moral obligation" is, let alone have the capacity to act in accordance…
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  • Yes! In many ways the failure of the prominent Democrats you named is even worse than the failure of the…
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  • I think the main thing the public needs to be able to understand and acknowledge is that this Bush regime…
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  • Yes! What's the use of having a Federal government and giving it so much money if it's not going to…
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  • Bush should probably send some of his favorite machinegun-toting "Blackwater USA" mercenaries to Colorado Springs and other enclaves to keep…
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  • I reacted to that apparent emphasis on the "local response" angle, as thought it was included in the plan specifically…
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  • unfortunately, like so many other bureaucrats in government in general, and in the Bush regime in particular, these Homeland Security/Fema…
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  • Not "private security", MERCENARIES! Hired from the ranks of the WAR PROFITEERS!
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  • I was so pissed I forgot to include the link to the Blackwater mercenary announcement.
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  • Earlier in the evening I heard Nic Robertson on CNN refer to "armed provate security contractors" seen on the streets…
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  • Thank you for the compliment. n/t
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  • Thats the quote! Does he fancy himself as NERO? Or does he fancy himself as ("Let them eat cake") Marie…
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  • I just saw a clip on the Leherer News Hour of Bush praisng Michael Brown and the good work he's…
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  • You reinforce part of what I was getting at with this. Ultimately, it doesn't matter to me what people believe,…
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  • I hit post instead of preview before I had a chance to rephrase this sentence, (which comes across quite badly);…
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  • I certainly don't sense any hostility from you, and hopefully you don't feel my remarks represent any hostility either, since…
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  • You say; As people of faith we are called upon to be of service to others. I'll rephrase my question.…
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  • I fail to see what God has to do with "advocating for justice". Or, more precisely, perhaps, I would ask;…
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  • Jan England, the UN humanitarian relief chief, is someone I've respected for his ability to lead on various emergency humanitarian…
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  • Pollack did deliver a fairly strong "Mea Culpa" about how he got so much wrong. But if behind his seemingly…
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