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    Ultimately, everyone's on their own in Bush's "Grave New World". Even his supporters know they'll be betrayed eventually.
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  • I read this terrible op-ed also and started an LTE response. I realized I didn't have the specific economic knowledge…
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  • Sometimes I make a few spinach pies. The meditative quality involved in separating and laying on the ultra-thin, fragile leaves…
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  • The "Grave New World" the Bush regime is building gets grimmer by the minute. By abandoning the fundamental truth that…
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  • I couldn't confirm "Friday" as the day Max had the NHC brief Chertoff/Brown, but according to the St. Petersburg Times…
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  • I'm pretty sure I read that Max Mayfield at the National Hurricane Center specifically briefed officials at DHS, particularly Chertoff,…
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  • Lots of brutal truth in this diary. A powerful reminder that we are nowhere near as civilized a society or…
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  • Love without wisdom is chaos. Wisdom without love is brutality. Don't let the psychopaths who've hijacked the machinery of government…
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  • The Bush regime has no regard for real democracy or our constitution at all. The central theme they follow is…
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  • I didn't mean to imply that Brooks opposed low-income housing, but in fact he only implies endorsement of it obliquely,…
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  • I just realized I linked to the wrong thing for the David Brooks op-ed referenced above. Here's the correct link.
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  • these creatures running the Bush regime are so delusional, so self absorbed, that their only loyalty is to themselves. Competence…
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  • But the indifference you refer to is deliberately inculcated into the minds ofthe people. It's an esential part of the…
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  • Virtually every politician and media wonk in the country is in complete denial over the scale and permanence of this…
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  • Yes! The Bush regime has done more than any other administration to guarantee that no one will trust the US…
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  • It's certainly true that the BigOil interests prevailed over the neocons in the matter of privatizing the Iraq oil fields.…
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  • This is the best summation of US govt. treachery in foreign affairs I've read.
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  • John LeCarre is remarkable in his ability to provide great and meaningful depth of character to his subjects in topical…
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  • Jerome, As someone recently, miraculously back from the dead (last year), I too, in this last week have given much…
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  • Great catch on the story! There's one sure thing about the Bush regime. The more we learn about them the…
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