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    Cross posted comment at Sic Semper Tyrannis 2005. I had come to like Pollack's commentary on the talking head circuit…
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  • If the Bush regime fails to deal effectively with this catastrophe, such a failure may be the thing that finally…
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  • There's nothing quite like "unintentional wit". Good catch on your part.
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  • "Define the Bush administration", and identify it's weaknesses, it's vulnerabilities.  I identify the main weaknesses of the Bush regime as…
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  • I agree with your idea completely. Despite all the words I used above, I really just wanted to make the…
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  • Gerecht is a rigid and irrational academic ideologue who no longer has any sense of how far removed from reality…
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  • It's not even that the "absinence only" crap doesn't fly everywhere, it doesn't fly anywhere, including within the community of…
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  • Let's not forget that while he was Governor in Texas he never once granted a stay of execution to anyone,…
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  • Here's a link to an LTE of mine the NYT published back in June, responding to an absolutely terrible, deceptive…
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  • More crimes against citizens by the Bush regime. This time it's the Secretary of The Army demoting procurement agent/ turned…
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  • tunnel vision going on, here in the blogosphere there are so many tunnels, so many sources and channels of information,…
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  • Buchanan makes this remarkable statement; Why should U.S. citizens be assaulted, robbed, raped and murdered, and have their children molested,…
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  • fear-riddled, hate filled and phobic whack job whoshould have had his media plug pulled by MSNBC long ago. The idiocy…
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  • That vision of McCain embracing Bush was my clue thaMcCain had lost all pretense of being an independent thinking, rational…
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  • If there is a supernatural "higher power" out there, I sure hope it will be able to help the defend…
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  • That person who made the remark about Rumsfeld turning his commanders into "Stepford Generals" was former CENTCOM commander General Anthony…
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  • Susan, Very glad to see you back andI hope all is well. I caught the MTP "Generals" show too. Most…
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  • I think the powermad delusional psychopaths who've hijacked the government lost any real concern forother people's perspectives back in the…
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  • While I agree that Robertson's outburst may have provided an unintended benefit by making it more difficult for the govt.…
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  • I've speculated that he might have been flipped too. Now however, I tend to doubt that, if only for the…
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