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    Not unexpected, but unbelievable nonetheless.
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  • Quite so!
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  • This link here is to a somewhat complicated site where the author examines and discusses in detail his perspectives on…
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  • Yes! He's headed into the Joe Lieberman/Zell Miller category of fraudulent shitbird Dems.
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  • Even if Specter won't ask if Roberts supports Roe directly, he should certainly ask both whether he believes Roe was…
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  • I would vote for a (Democratic) waffle iron if it was running in a primary against almost any one of…
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  • In line with all you say, here it is almost 2 full weeks after the storm hit and not one…
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  • Russert didn't need any DHS/FEMA apologists. He did the job for them, grilling Nagin about his putative failures while raising…
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  • Nagin is a corporate millionaire Republican who changed party affiliation prior to winning the Mayoral election. He publicly supported Blanco's…
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  • Political ambition, the appetite for power and money, leaves precious little room for principle. The DLC gang have learned the…
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  • The happiest posible death unless you live in Africa. There the happiest death is to die from AIDS in order…
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  • Yes! The mechanistic and fractured logic of these compulsive objectivists has no room for humanity. Their ideology would work fine…
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  • Here's another Cato Institute wingnut gasbag on the benefits of price-gouging. Link here.
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  • Stossel's false logic only works (provisionally) if everyone has the $20 to spend on the water or if the gouger…
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  • Suetonius makes it to Nero's death. I don't remember enough of Tacitus on Nero to know if he got to…
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  • Phillip K. Dick was one of the most perceptive and brilliant science fiction writers of them all. Even his little…
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  • I just ordered a copy of Suetonius's "12 Caesars",(through my local bookstore here), the annotated one by Robert Graves. My…
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  • We have not had a functioning Democracy in this country since the supreme court election ukaze and since the advent…
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  • I posted about this here and at DKos back on 9/3-9/4. I emailed every major mediaoutlet I had addresses for…
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  • i agree with all you say except the reason you give for why people eat up diaster coverage. Sadly the…
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