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    If you read any of the excellent books that describe in detail the methodology and mechanics of how cults manipulate…
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  • The problem with Cheney and Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld and the rest of the gang running the Bush regime is not…
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  • People who are "in their right mind" don't feel safer with Bush as Imbecile in Chief. It's the people in…
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  • I've advanced the idea in several places recently that given the scale of  the betrayals we've experienced at the hands…
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  • Like most everyone else here, it was clear to me that Bush would be a disaster ifinstalled in the White…
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  • Uzbekistan, yes! I had a mental block and couldn't think of the name. Thank you.
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  • I agree with what you say about the perception of the term "conservative". I failed to articulate in my post…
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  • I agree with both you Egarwaen and Snappy above. My basic point above is that we're better served by voting…
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  • Bush makes a mockery of "freedom", "democracy" and "human rights" every time he utters those words in connection with Iraq…
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  • Musharraf isa brutal and duplicitous dictator foer whom the very concepts of human rights and human dignity are impossible to…
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  • I used to get really good churros in DC of all places, (Adams Morgan neighborhood where I lived).
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  • I've lost so much money in vedning machines over the years, and have gotten so irrationally angry at them when…
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  • Pellegrino is the best. If only it hadn't become a yuppie favorite, and if only the dollar hadn't lost so…
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  • I'm almost reluctant to say this, but I believe that it's probably in the best interests of the country that…
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  • I think there are 2 very importantpoints to be made in adition to those articulated here by media girl and…
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  • My sympathies in return. I can't imagine the terror in Guatemala, but I can tell you that the ugliest time…
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  • I agree that "We're nothing special or different than most other nations". And it's not something to be proud about.…
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  • The main point of my commentary in toto I guess is that we posture ourselves as strong advocates of freedom…
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  • I was in Argentina for a while in the late 70's and early 80's during the "Dirty War". Those psychopathic…
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  • I agree with you about the innoculations in various places. Why we waited so long to step in and stop…
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