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    I was living in a huge apartment I was remodeling about 18 blocks further uptown from the Dakota at 90th…
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  • Cheney is probably hunkered down in some dark damp place sharpening" his teeth preparatory to ripping out the throat of…
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  • We know they are the owners of these catastrophes, and more and more people are finally coming to realize it…
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  • The tiny, peacful country of Bhutan, perhaps ther only truly civilized country on the planet), has already experienced catastrophe from…
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  • I suspect that as long as our Democratic party is under the thumb of the current "leadership" and prominent power…
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  • I wasn't even aware that there were people who could be classified as "BooTrib Haters". Maybe I don't spend enough…
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  • "A star is born!"
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  • I sent off a LTTE to the NYT on this topic today, typically I'm longwinded, but I tried to condense…
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  • The setup and dynamics of the trial are organized around "entertainment" parameters, not "news" or "justice" parameters. I'm surprised the…
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  • I wish one of the major polling firms would ask the question; Do you believe the people running the Bush…
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  • Nancy Pelosi needs a new job, preferrably nothing to do with the Dem Party. Several other prominent (so-called) Dems should…
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  • Interesting to see Robert Seldon Lady come up in all this. Even though the speculation surrounding his possible involvement in…
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  • Yes! It's sort of like a turf battle between the Mafia and the Columbian drug cartel. Whoever wins, the people…
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  • Fineman, Ware and Robert Behr were really great on Matthews tonight; all 3 very informative and rational and Matthews himself…
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  • Glad the ideas appeal to you. I figure that anything that helps kids be able to be better able to…
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  • I understand why the MSM doesn't pursue these vote rigging schemes, and certainly I understand why the Repubs don't. What…
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  • It's hard to believe Cheney is a member of the human species. Speaking of membership, wouldn't it be a good…
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  • I'vthought that Rumsfeld's mental and emotional condition has deteriorated quite markedly over the last few months, as though whatever remaining…
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  • I echo the kudos and bravos to you for your stand with respect to these recruitment types. Being there in…
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  • Hillary Clinton, like the rest of her delusional pals in the DLC,don't understand that no matter how much they posture…
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