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    This ORP thing is a travesty. As for the "prosperity gospel" that is so central to the WalMart-Style megachurch's spiel,…
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  • Cheese in a spray can.
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  • As a reference, (and not to press the debate here beyond where it rests), this link here is to a…
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  • It shows that during the last 4 millennia or so, those whose relentless ambition is for power over others in…
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  • I guess if I thought that I agreed that there was such a thing as "the American psyche" or "the…
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  • I'd like to make a point. I was born in the US and raised in the US. Yet, I am…
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  • It's amazing these wingnuts have the temerity to continue propagating the absurdity of the "Liberal Media". Scarborough is a duplicious…
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  • Actually, Biden's vanity and narcissism are so pronounced it may be he's just "squeezing himself" in front of the mirror.…
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  • Scarborough is better than many of the wingnuts at talking therational talk every so often. But, nevertheless he's as crazy…
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  • Biden might be Rove's new main squeeze, now that Guckert's been outed.
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  • I've found that if ever I want the most accurate picture of what the Bush regime will do on any…
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  • Aside from the obvious betrayal of the already-serving troops and giving the lie to the propaganda about how good the…
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  • It seems to me to be a no-brainer that, for anyone wanting to be well informed, anyone wanting to know…
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  • There's nothing about the Bush regime's policies in any arena that has anything to do with real spiritual faith-based principles…
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  • Just in case it's escaped some people's notice, I'd like to say that so-called "white people" are not a monolithic…
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  • If someone like the Jersus of myth did show up, the Dobson/Falwell/Robertson crowd would be the first ones in line…
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  • I agree with you CabinGirl. The markers molecularly embedded in chem/bio WMD precursors and components are evidently fairly easy to…
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  • Grounds, yes, but he's insulated from public disclosure of any examination that would disclose clinical evidence of such massive problems,…
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  • Yes! Clearly Bush is both mentally and emotionally incompetent for the job of president. It's the absence of this competence…
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  • Joe Biden's best political talent seems to be able to exploit the principles and courage of others in his own…
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